Terms of Service

Last updated: January 26, 2023

You should read these Terms of Service in full. Here are a few keywords you should know Definitions:

  • “Company”, ‘‘Start-up’’, “we”, “our”, or “us” in any of our legal, Ethics or terms, refer to Good Partners Cluster SA.
  • “Services” refers to this website, with all its domains pointing including, Applications and platforms including IoF R, and any product created, maintained and promoted by Good Partners Cluster SA. Whether delivered within a web browser, desktop application, mobile application, or any other format.
  • “Visitor”, “you” or “your” refers to the internet user who visits our website.
  • “Investor”, “you” or “your” refers to the people or organizations that are stakeholders of the company Good Partners Cluster and own a specific account on this website by the Ownership Policy of Accounts.

When you use our website as a visitor or investor, you agreeing these Terms of Service (“Terms”). These terms govern the access and the use of our services, including the cluster of e-solutions our company provides, SMS, APIs, email notifications, applications, Buttons, widgets, ads, commerce services, other services and products. These Terms are a lawful agreement between you and Good Partners Cluster RSK500 Soliman Road, Grombalia 8030, Nabeul, Tunisia.

Using our services bind you to these Terms, violating any of them results in us terminating your account if you are an investor, or ban your IP if you are a visitor. Engaging in digital criminal activities towards our websites would have immeasurable consequences and would end in court.

For investors, these terms are part of the User Agreement – a binding contract legally governing our relationship as stakeholders and our use of this website.

We may update these Terms of Service terms as needed to comply with regulations and reflect any new practices of ours. If we make significant changes, we will refresh the date at the top of this page and notify Investors who have signed up to our legal updates mailing list.

Account Terms

Maintaining the security of your account and password is your responsibility only. Do not share your details to anyone, we cannot and will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage in consequence of your failure to comply with this security obligation.

You are not allowed for any purpose to use our services to:

  • Collect or extract data and/or code from the website and access information which does not belong to you
  • Interfere with security-related defences of our services or try to find a way around or try to overcome or disable the security features.
  • Disrupt or try to interfere or create an undue burden on the connected Services or the networks of our Services
  • Mislead us or other users with frauds, and/or tricks to make false reports or impersonate a third identity
  • Upload or transmit malicious programs or software, including viruses or any type of malware, information collection mechanism, 1x1 pixels, web bugs, and cookies.
  • Get involved in harassing conduct, annoying intimidating or threatening others or any of our employees engaged to the Services of this website or third parties connected to any portion of the Services provided on this website.
  • Spread information that tarnishes or in any form harm our company and/or the cluster of e-solutions coming from us and/or our services.
  • Use our Services in disrespect of the laws and regulations.

Accounts in violation of the above or found in violation a posteriori result in us terminating the account without notice.

Any users can report violations to [email protected]. The mail should include the details of the infractions to these Terms. It’s advisable to add malicious URLs or screenshots transferred in a secured file. Good Partners Cluster will send to any user in a reporting process a link to a secure file transfer. We will not disclose the identity of the reporter to anyone associated with the reported act.

For a report that includes copyright please follow the instructions on how to notify about infringement claims.

You are responsible for all content posted to and activity that occurs under your account, including content posted by and activity of any users in your account.

You must be a human. Accounts registered by “bots” or other automated methods are not permitted.

Cancellation and Termination:

You are solely responsible for properly cancelling your account. You can find instructions on how to cancel your account in our Cancellation Policy. If you need help with the cancellation of your account, you can always contact our Support at (+216) 27 720 720.

All content will be permanently deleted from our backups. We cannot recover this information once it has been permanently deleted. You can’t export all data before your account is cancelled, as we’ve provided instructions for Your Backpack and Bye in the Cancellation Policy.

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any current or future use of our Services if you are no longer an investor of Good Partners Cluster. Termination includes, but is not limited to violations of our Use Restrictions above. You will not be able to access the account. Termination will furthermore result in the deletion of your account and all account content. We also reserve the right to refuse the use of the Services to anyone for any reason at any time.

Verbal, physical, written or other abuse (including threats of abuse or retribution) of a Company employee or officer will result in immediate account termination.

We reserve the right to temporarily disable your account if your usage significantly exceeds the average usage of other customers of the Services. We’ll reach out to the account owner before taking any action except in rare cases where the level of use may negatively impact the performance of the Service for other customers.

Security and Privacy

Your use of the Services is at your sole risk. provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis, without any warranties of any kind. We do not offer service-level agreements but do take common good goals seriously. Visit our Ethics to see our guiding principles and enduring values.

We take many measures to protect and secure your data through backups, redundancies, and encryption. We enforce encryption for data transmission from the public Internet. There are some edge cases where we may send your data through our network unencrypted. Please refer to our Security Overview for full details and our Security Response page for how to report a security incident or threat.

By accepting this, you agree that Good Partners Cluster may process your data as described in our Privacy Policy and for no other purpose. On rare occasions, our staff may access your data for the following reasons:

  • To help you with support requests made
  • On the rare occasions when an error occurs that stops an automated process partway through. We get automated alerts when such errors occur. When we can fix the issue and restart automated processing without looking at any personal data, we do.
  • In rare cases, we have to look at a minimum amount of personal data to fix the issue.
  • To safeguard Good Partners Cluster. We’ll look at logs and metadata as part of our work to ensure the security of your data and the Services as a whole. If necessary, we may also access accounts as part of an abuse report investigation.
  • For the users from the United States, to the extent required by applicable law. As an out-of U.S. company data infrastructure located outside of the US, we only preserve or share customer data if compelled by a U.S. government authority with a legally binding order or proper request under the Stored Communications Act, or in limited circumstances in the event of an emergency request. If a non-U.S. authority approaches Good Partners Cluster for assistance on a US user’s account, our default stance is to refuse unless the order has been approved by the U.S. government, which compels us to comply through procedures outlined in an established mutual legal assistance treaty or agreement mechanism. If Good Partners Cluster is audited by a tax authority, we only share the bare minimum billing information needed to complete the audit.

We use third-party vendors and hosting partners to provide the necessary hardware, software, networking, storage, and related technology required to run the Services. You can see a list of all sub-processors who handle personal data as well as a list of Company Processors.

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), Good Partners Cluster is a “service provider”, not a “business” or “third party”, concerning your use of the Services. That means we process any data you share with us only for the purpose you signed up for and as described in these Terms, the Privacy Policy, and other Terms and Conditions. We do not retain, use, disclose, or sell any of the information for any other commercial purposes unless we have your explicit permission. Similarly, you agree to comply with your requirements under the CCPA and not use our Services in a way that violates the regulations.

These Terms incorporate Good Partners Cluster Data Processing Addendum “DPA” when the EU General Data Protection Regulation “GDPR” or United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation “UK GDPR” applies to your use of our Services to process Customer Data as defined in the DPA. The DPA linked above supersedes any previously agreed data processing addendum between you and Good Partners Cluster relating to your use of our Services.

Copyright and Content Ownership

All content posted on the Services must comply with the global copyright law. We provide details on how to file a copyright infringement claim.

You give us a limited license to use the content posted by you and your users to provide the Services to you, but we claim no ownership rights over those materials. All materials you submit to the Services remain yours.

We do not pre-screen content, but we reserve the right, not the obligation, in our sole discretion to refuse or remove any content that is available via the Service.

The Company or its licensors own all rights, titles, and interests in and to the Services, including all intellectual property rights therein, and you obtain no ownership rights in the Services as a result of your use. You may not duplicate, copy, or reuse any portion of the code, REACTJS, CSS, JavaScript, or visual design elements without express written permission from Good Partners Cluster. You must request permission to use the Company’s logos or any Service logos for promotional purposes. Please email us requests to use logos. We reserve the right to rescind any permissions if you violate these Terms.

You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of the Services, use of the Services, or access to the Services without the express written permission of the Company.


You agree that Good Partners Cluster is not liable to you for damages of any kind that result from the use of our Services, inability to access data, or unauthorized access of your data or account. We are also not liable for damages of any kind related to actions of any third party that uses the Services, or any other consequences related to the Terms or Services.

If you have further question about these Terms and conditions, please contact our Support at (+216) 27 720 720 and ask for the Legals department or email [email protected]